

From Company Valuation to Investor Outreach

Elevate Your Business to New Heights

What Distinguishes EvolutCo From The Rest?

Selective Expertise: We select companies aligned with investor criteria for assured fundraising success.

End-to-End Service: We handle fundraising from concept to capital, meeting investor standards.

Strategic Preparation: We design materials that resonate clearly and effectively with investors.

Accurate Valuation: We provide realistic valuations that meet market and investor expectations.

Targeted Outreach: We connect with investors aligned to your business goals for optimal results.

Who We Are

Tech Entrepreneur meets Finance Expertise

Mathieu Vafadar CEO EvolutCo.
We’re big believers in EvolutCo because we’ve witnessed its power to transform businesses. By optimizing websites, implementing intelligent marketing strategies, and streamlining customer engagement, EvolutCo provides the tools and expertise needed for exceptional digital growth and long-term success.

With 20 years of experience at Intel & Infineon, I led R&D and managed top-tier engineers across continents, refining strategic planning and execution. As an innovative IoT startup founder, where strategy and partnership were central, I navigated the complexities of building a business from scratch. At EvolutCo, I leverage my extensive experience, combining technical expertise with strategic insight, to develop innovative approaches aimed at effectively scaling businesses for growth.

Mathieu Vafadar


With our close-knit team of professionals, we prioritize quality, personalized guidance and strong client relationship. We are dedicated in forging long-term partnerships and delivering outstanding customer experiences. We invest in your success and prosper together!

With 15 years of experience at leading financial institutions like Merrill Lynch, Reuters, and BNP Paribas, I have cultivated a profound understanding of finance and a flair for innovation. This deep financial expertise, combined with a broad perspective on market dynamics, uniquely positions me to guide companies. I offer strategic financial insights and excel in helping organizations articulate their core values and navigate complex financial landscapes.

Gisèle Zappelli



How can we help you?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Making your website more Google-friendly so it shows up in search results for free by using the right keywords, quality content, and technical tweaks.

SEM (Search Engine Marketing): Paying to put your website at the top of Google’s search results using specific keywords and eye-catching ads, with costs based on clicks. It’s like a paid billboard for your site.

We offer a unified approach to fundraising. If your business or startup is ready for fundraising, we proceed directly with full-service fundraising. If not, we provide essential services such as investor-focused branding, investor-optimized website creation, and investor-focused marketing.

We conduct a detailed assessment to determine your readiness for fundraising. This includes evaluating your financial health, business model, market position, and growth potential.

Yes, if your business is ready for fundraising, we will directly proceed with our fundraising services to connect you with potential investors and secure the necessary funding.

If your business is not ready, we provide tailored services to help you get prepared. This includes enhancing your branding, optimizing your website, and executing targeted marketing campaigns to attract investor interest.

The timeline varies based on your specific needs and status. We work efficiently to prepare your business for fundraising as quickly as possible while ensuring all elements are thoroughly developed.

Our pricing is customized based on the specific needs and scope of your project. We offer competitive rates and work with you to ensure our services provide excellent value for your investment.

Yes, we work with startups at various stages, from early-stage to growth-stage. Our services are tailored to meet the unique needs of each stage and help you achieve your fundraising goals.

Yes, we assist in creating a compelling pitch deck that highlights your business’s strengths, market opportunity, and investment potential, making it attractive to potential investors.

We work with a diverse range of industries, including technology, healthcare, finance, consumer products, and more. Our team has the expertise to help businesses in various sectors secure funding.


You can get started by contacting us through our website. We will schedule an initial consultation to understand your needs and develop a customized plan to help you achieve your fundraising goals.

EvolutCo offers a unique combination of services tailored to both ready and not-ready startups. Our holistic approach ensures that even if you’re not ready for fundraising now, we’ll help you get there with comprehensive branding, website optimization, and marketing strategies focused on attracting investors.

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